However I think the ghost man noticed and gave me a weird look. He winced a little but was careful not to let Sally notice. “(M/N)! You’re finally here! You’re late!” She said as she jumped off the swing to run towards him and tackle him in a hug. Instead they were in a white clean hoodie.

Once I got there I saw Sally already on the swing talking to someone older, but it's not the one in the suit. “I’m late! I’m late!” I chanted as I ran to the park slowly but surely. I glanced at the clock and rushed down the stairs, avoiding my parents as best I could. He hates lying but if it makes her happy then he will continue, even if he gets beat into a bloody pulp and tells her he just fell from a few flights of stairs and tells her that he’s fine.

He couldn’t hide the scratches so he had to lie to her. It’ll double since I don't have any pain meds.” He said, and put the concealer that he stole from his mother on his face to cover the bruises. “This isn’t good, I’ll be slower with the pain. He took a deep breath and pressed down softly to see how many were broken, but was glad in the end to find out it was only one. After he patched everything up he felt for anything broken but gave a small cry as he put a hand on his ribs. “I can’t wait.” He said with a small genuine smile. He had to meet his best and only friend at the park today. He slowly got up to patch himself up and got dressed. After an hour of pure torture they stopped as they got bored of him and walked away, most likely to get a drink or something. (M/N) cried out in pain as he curled up into a ball, wishing, begging it would stop but deep down he knew it wouldn’t. “I agree with my queen!” the husband said as he kicked him to, a sickening crack was heard as he kicked him with his steel toe shoe. He was different all because of his eyes, which was a different color than the other. “You stupid freak! I wish I could’ve aborted you when I had the chance!” The wife shouted as she continued to kick his ribs. Hits, shouts, and cries of pleas were heard, but the abusers didn’t pay attention to the kid. A loud cry was heard from the (l/n) house hold.